
Davy Leffall

Worship Coordinator

Meet Davy

My name is Davy Flowers and I’m wild, loud, passionate and wholeheartedly into whatever thing I’m into at any given moment and I’ve been really into Jesus for the past 20 years. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, where truly all the best ones come from, I’m grateful to be back home in the great state of Texas after being away for over 15 years. While I wasn’t raised in the church, I encountered Jesus radically and responded to the Gospel and the love of God when I was 12 years old and have been in radical pursuit of Him every day since. Growing up in a pretty chaotic and dysfunctional environment, all I ever longed for was a sense of “home”. Walking in friendship with Jesus has been the sweetest, most life-giving home I never could have dreamed of.

I felt a pretty strong call to ministry shortly after devoting my life to Jesus as a teenager and that call has led me from one end of the globe to the other loving Jesus, proclaiming the Gospel, serving the Church and building the Kingdom. I have been blessed to serve the Lord in ministry in a myriad of settings. From the foreign mission field where I served for 2 years, to global church ministry leading worship, to serving full time in a local church expression. It’s been fun y'all!

I am compelled by a passion to see people encounter Jesus for themselves. Not just cognitively, or 2nd hand. But personal, substantial, transformational interaction with the God of the Bible who is alive and wants to engage with all who would seek Him. I am passionate about worship not just because God in His grace has gifted me with music and creative expression but because I believe that He is more worthy than we can even comprehend of every ounce of gratitude, adoration, praise, and surrender that we can muster up.

I’m so grateful to be called here to Watermark to add my life, my passion and gifts to what the Lord is building here. It’s an honor that I’m not eloquent enough to express.

You can typically find me with an instrument, book or journal in my hand, on a running trail, spending time with my people, belting down the hallways or poking my nose in other people’s business.

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