
David Petty

Watermark Resources Director of Marketing

Meet David

Hey everyone! I was born and raised here in the great state of Texas. I accepted Jesus as my Savior during high school, but quickly pursued the things of this world in college (1 John 2:15-17), seeking my own way, and ending up in a damaging cycle of sin that would carry on into my career and ultimately into my marriage. It wasn't until I had ship-wrecked my marriage and hit rock-bottom that God used re:generation to model what it looks like to have an abiding relationship with Jesus and to walk in His ways and not my own. Thankfully He didn't stop there. He used re|engage to help restore my marriage to my amazing teammate and wife, Cait.

I graduated from UT Dallas and spent the first 10 years of my career in digital marketing. In 2020 God planted the seed that maybe there was another way for me to use my gifts and skills for His purposes. Sure enough, several months later an opportunity came up and I jumped for it! I now get to share re|engage, re:generation, and a whole host of ministries with other churches across the world.

Outside of church and marketing I have a deep passion for all things plants and nature.

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