Getting Launched on a Mission with Meaning

Launch '06

If you wonder why bad things happen to believers, or why God made you a certain way, Matt explains that God is still fully in control and will use everything to accomplish what He wants for us - but in His own timeframe.

Matt ChandlerSep 2, 2006Ecclesiastes 3

About 'Launch '06'

The Launch is Watermark's annual Labor Day Retreat for Young Adults and serves as a launching point for our fall ministry and the Porch Tuesday night worship gatherings. Our heart is to "launch" Dallas young adults into a life of worship, community and mission for God's fame in this generation. These messages by Jay Jacobs, Todd Wagner, Dean MacFarlan and Matt Chandler (Lead Pastor of the Village Church) focus on the mission we've all committed ourselves to, whether we've done so intentionally or not. Many of us find ourselves in ruts that are leading to heartache and despair, while others among us might consider walking with increased commitment down the life-giving path we have found in Christ. Wherever you are, we invite you to join us in living lives of purpose, significance and peace, offered only in the provision of a loving, perfect Father.