
Anna Cate Shelby

Wake Women's Coordinator

Meet Anna Cate

Born and raised in the middle of nowhere West Texas (also known as San Angelo), I grew up viewing church as my extra-curricular. Church was where I sought social comfort, achievement, and identity. For much of my life, I lived in fear, hardness of heart, and a lack of belief that the Lord really loved me. I believed in His death and resurrection, but I did not realize what that truly meant for me, or what it said about how my Father views me. For too long, I tried to earn my standing with God and it left me empty and miserable.

Toward the end of high school, after reaching a point of exhaustion with striving and failing to earn His favor, the Lord began to convince me of His love for me. He began to replace my fears with His love and reminded me that all that is good comes from Him and that even my best efforts are like dirty rags (Psalm 16:2, Isaiah 64:6). Since then, He has been faithful to remind me and more fully convince me that He really is who He says He is. Nothing falls outside of His sovereign hand (Job 42:2, Romans 9:16), and all is for His glory and our good, so I can trust Him completely. He is more than worthy of our surrender.

I attended Baylor University (sic 'em!), and throughout my college summers, I worked at Pine Cove camps. There, the Lord continually brought me to the end of myself, gave me a passion and delight for His Word and discipleship, and taught me how fun and full life in Christ is (John 10:10).

Now, I get to equip and disciple small group leaders as they faithfully disciple middle school students. He has provided over-abundantly and I am thankful to He has invited me to take part in this amazing mission that is inviting others to come, see, and be a part of His grand story. How amazing it is that we get to be a part of that!

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