Jonathan Linder • May 8, 2022 • Dallas
Read John 4:7-11. Read it aloud yourself, or ask someone who is a confident reader.
What catches your attention from the story? Why is it not normal for Jesus to be speaking to this woman?
What are some areas of your life that you don't feel accepted? Why do you think Jesus offers acceptance and love to this woman?
What do you think Jesus means when he talks about living water? (Read Proverbs 13:14 and Proverbs 18:4)
What does It practically look like for you to seek out "living water"?
Read John 4:13-14 . Read it aloud yourself, or ask someone who is a confident reader.
What does Jesus mean when he says "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I give them will never thirst." What is Jesus talking about?
How do you spend your time, money, and energy? Are there things you often pursue that do not bring lasting satisfaction?
Are there things regarding technology or social media that you chase after? What do you hope to get from technology or social media?
What habits or tendencies are produced in you from using technology? Are there any areas or access to technology that you should rethink or reconsider?
Technology is an inescapable part of our lives that can influences our view of the world. The way we spend our screen time is a clear indicator of what we are following. So rather than copying the behaviors of the world, we want to utilize our screen time in a way that intentionally transforms our minds and lives to in order to “stay tuned” into Jesus.