Who Do You Think You Are?: You are Chosen

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jonathan LinderOct 10, 2021Dallas

Discussion Questions

  1. When you think about the question "Who do you think you are?" what are the first few things that come to your mind?

  2. Where do these thoughts of who you think you are come from? (Friends, School, Social Media?) Where should we look to find our Identity? (God's word,
    Small Group, Leaders, Parents)

  3. Do you think that you more often speak negatively or positively about others?

  4. Why are we more likely to speak negatively about others?

  5. Read Ephesians 2:10, Is it easy or hard for you to believe that you are God's workmanship (masterpiece) created for good works? Why or why not?

  6. Do you believe that everyone is created equally and in the image of God? How should this effect the way that we treat people?

  7. What is one lie or false belief about yourself that you can confess to your Small Group leader? *(Ex. I am not popular, no one likes me, I feel worthless at

About 'Who Do You Think You Are?'

Do you know who you are? The world tells us we should be identified by how we look, what we have, or what we do, however, the only one who can tell us who we are is the God who made us. This series we will examine the words Paul used to describe our identity in Christ (Ephesian 1:3-6). We are going to be learning about who we are and what we are meant for!