Church & Mission

Long Story Short

Will McIlroyJul 28, 2021Dallas

Long Story Short Part 7: Church & Mission

What is the Church? What is her mission? And why does it all matter? Many of us have a shallow view of the Church and would not answer these questions the same way God does. The Church is the clearest, fullest, and most beautiful depiction of the love Jesus has for his people.

In this message we will see how: The Church is all people who belong to Jesus and our mission is to care about what God cares about.

Message Outline

1. What is the Church?
  • The Church is a people not a place.
  • Jesus, in his teachings, never meant for the Church to be a place. The word “ecclesia” means an assembly of people.
  • The Church is all people who belong to Jesus.
  • Matthew 16:18
2. What is the mission of the Church?
  • The mission of the church is to care about what God cares about.
  • Specifically, we want to be and make disciples.
  • Being on mission means you are not going to treat your life as your own.
  • In order to be on mission, you have to realize the Gospel is not about you. It is about Jesus and his bride.
  • Matthew 16:24-25
3. Why does it matter?
  • The Church and Her mission matters because God loves and died for this.
  • The Church is the way God uses people to save, equip, and provide for His people.
  • Acts 2:44
Long Story Short: Jesus loves the Church. The whole Church. Every single Church. If you are a part of His Church, He loves you.

Disussion Questionse

  1. How would you fill in this blank: The Church is ?
  2. Where are some areas that you are tempted to make Church about you?
  3. Why do you think God is so serious about us standing firm in our faith?
  4. Have there been any times where you have compromised your faith? What is the best response when this happens?

About 'Long Story Short'

The Bible is one cohesive story written over the course of 1500 years, by 40 different authors recording the history of God’s unwavering extension of His love to humans who immediately chose to go their own way when given the choice. The Bible isnt just a history book or a self-help novel. It is a record of God’s love being made known and available to humanity. Long Story Short is an effort to give teenagers a general handle on the expanse of biblical history with a special focus on events & people that are foundational for an accurate Christian worldview. We hope that students walk away from this summer series with a greater hunger to dive into God’s word, learn more about God’s love for them, and live their lives in light of the love they have experienced.