Pillars: Change the Home, Change the World


As we continue our series Pillars, we look at the first institution ordained by God: the Family. Created in perfection, the family is designed to be the smallest and most influential pillar to stabilize a society. Looking at Deuteronomy 6, we see the primary purpose for the family is to be and make disciples. When families follow God's word and way, society is strengthened.

Jeff ParkerOct 25, 2020PlanoDeuteronomy 6; Genesis 1-3

About 'Pillars'

God has given humanity three institutes to stabilize and sustain a society: the government, the Church, and the family. When we look at our country today, the government is divisive, the family is being redefined, and the church is largely weak and ineffective. As we enter into an election season, we want to see how these pillars are meant to function and our role in strengthening them.