The Labels We Don't Want


Jacob AlgerOct 18, 2020

In This Series (4)
The Label that Matters Most
Jacob AlgerOct 25, 2020
The Labels We Don't Want
Jacob AlgerOct 18, 2020
Chasing Labels
Jacob AlgerOct 11, 2020
Imago Dei
Sean HillOct 4, 2020

Discussion Questions

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  1. Read John 4:3-26 as a group. This woman wore labels that she didn’t want. What are some examples of labels in your life that you don’t want?

  2. Often the labels we don’t want impact the way that we live. How have the labels that you don’t want impacted the way that you view yourself, view others, and live your life?

  3. These labels can often lead us to shame and isolation. Are there any labels that you're wearing that you're ashamed of or you're afraid to have other people know about?

  4. Read Proverbs 18:1. Isolation can often lead to a cycle of sin. In what ways do you feel like isolation has trapped you in sin?

  5. In John 4, Jesus offers this woman a new label, and he offers us the same as well. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. How would your life look different if you accepted this new label Christ offered you?

  6. Apart from the new label that Christ has offered us, we remain dead in our sins. Have you received this new label from Christ? If not, is there anything keeping you from accepting it?

  7. Read John 4:39-42. After receiving this new label, the woman shared it with others. When is the last time you shared your hope in Christ with someone else? Who is someone in your life who needs to hear it?

About 'Labeled'

In our lives, we often attempt to find value, significance, and worth in the labels we wear or those given to us, but the reality is all of us have been labeled by God as His image-bearers, given unique value and worth by Him.