To Build Up, Not Tear Down

Free Speech

Jacob AlgerSep 20, 2020

Discussion Questions

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  1. Read Psalm 19:14, Proverbs 18:21, and Proverbs 12:18. Our words have significant power. What are ways that you have used the power of your words positively and negatively this past week?

  2. Encouragement can mean many things to different people. What do you think it means to encourage others with your words?
    (True encouragement is building others up by helping them place their hope and confidence in God, not in themselves.)

  3. What is an example of "encouragement" that could lead others to place their confidence in themselves, rather than in God?
    ("You look good today." Though well-meaning and not bad to say, it could lead to an obsession with external appearance rather than seeking true godliness (1 Sam. 16:7).)

  4. Read Ephesians 4:29 again. Your words have the power to build others up into who God desires for them to be. What are some ways that you have been “built up” by others? How did this make you feel?

  5. Read Proverbs 11:25 and Acts 20:35. Encouragement not only builds others up into who God wants them to be, but ourselves as well. Why is giving encouragement to others so powerful, both for them and for you?

  6. Read Hebrews 3:13. We are called to encourage one another EVERYDAY. How would this group, your family, or your life look different if we actually did this?

  7. Encouragement can come in different forms (sending texts, notes of encouragement, celebrating someone in other’s presence). What are some specific ways you plan on encouraging your friends this week?

About 'Free Speech'

One of the freedoms we have in America is the freedom of our speech. However, as followers of Christ, we use our freedom to heal, not wound, to build, not tear down, and to bless, not curse. (Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruits – Prov. 19:2)