
Dallas Experience 2024: July Term

Dallas Experience registration is now closed due to all 50 spots being full. The waitlist is full at this time.

Dallas Experience is a fun four-day (overnight) camp experience hosted by Wake (Grades 6–8) for kids who live in apartments within walking distance of the South Dallas Campus. It is an outreach event intended to serve & invite kids who don’t currently attend Watermark South Dallas by introducing and connecting them to students. As Wake students serve at Dallas Experience, and welcome guests to the church, they will be strategically focused on service, leadership training, and engaging missionally with families in our local community.

This event is for students who will have just finished 6th, 7th, or 8th grade and are actively involved in a Watermark Small Group. Participants must meet all of the following criteria:

A) Follower of Jesus Christ
B) Able to teach others about Jesus
C) Willing to be spiritually accountable to Watermark leadership.

Who: Students grade 6-8
Where: Watermark South Dallas
When: Students have the option to attend one term

  • Term 1: June 20-23, 2024
  • Term 2: July 11-14, 2024

This registration is for the July Term. You can find the June registration here.

Registration is closed because all spots were filled for this trip.

Cost: $325


Q: Where will the students sleep?
A: Lock-in style in classrooms at the church campus (they will bring sleeping bags, cots, etc. to sleep on).

Q: Where will students shower?
A: Shower trailers will be provided for students to shower each day.

Q: Is there security?
A: There will be security on-site at all times of the days and nights.

Q: What adults are present?
A: All of the Wake full time team will be at Dallas Experience. The trip is led by the staff and supported by background-checked small group leaders and volunteers.

Kids Ministry is not provided for this event.
Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about this event feel free to reach out to us.

Lauren McGee

Students Events Assistant

question_answer Questions?

Event Details

  • Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 - Sunday, Jul 14, 2024

  • Not Provided