“I grew up in a Christian home, and throughout my childhood, my parents portrayed the love that Jesus had for me very well through their actions. For a long time, I have always wanted the ability to control everything around me. My lack of control created a sense of anxiety within my life.
“During my freshman year, I began struggling with anxiety and OCD. It became a daily battle. The devil was so clearly feeding me lies about myself. My intrusive thoughts became out of control, and I would obsess over things and events that hadn’t happened yet. I felt such a lack of joy and peace. I wasn’t sure how I’d overcome these struggles.
“After sharing my struggles with my parents, they reminded me of John 10:10, ‘The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’
“This became one of the verses I relied on and one I still lean on when I struggle. After further discussion with my parents, we decided it would be best for me to begin re:generation for students. This 12-week program helped me realize that healing does not come from anything I can do but through trusting in the Lord alone. I learned that the Lord has provided me with community so that I’m never alone in my struggles. The guilt and shame I had for my anxious thoughts caused me not fully grasp the Lord’s love and grace for me. I thought I was too far gone.
“I hid my struggles so well that no one knew what I was going through. It was such a challenge for me to be fully known. For me, re:generation for students was a great reminder that the One who knows the most about me is the One who would do anything for me and loved me unconditionally.
“After re:gen, my relationship with the Lord became very off and on, and I began spending the bare minimum of my time with Him. I got involved in friend groups that did not lead me closer to the Lord, and I often found myself stressing over trying to find friends that would lead me closer to the Lord. Toward the end of my sophomore year, I began being very anxious when it seemed that all of my friend groups were falling apart.
“Many things in my life were changing, but I realized that the Lord is the only constant. The Lord made it clear to me that He will provide for me no matter the circumstance. In ways I could never have imagined, He has provided me with friends who have led me closer to the Lord and pointed me toward Him while I am struggling.
“As I grew in my faith, I realized the things I could trust the Lord with everything that once would cause so much anxiety for me. I became more aware of my brokenness and the enemy’s attacks. Sometimes my thoughts still wander and I have to actively fight sign in my heart, but it is a blessing to have my hope in something bigger.
“Now, when I begin to spiral with intrusive thoughts, Psalm 91:15-16 reminds me that no matter how my life may turn out, the Lord will always stay the same and be with me through every step, providing me with everything He knows I need.
“If you relate to any part of my story, know that the Lord has a love for you that will never go away, no matter how far you might feel from him. Trusting that He is with us, no matter the craziness of life or the way our life might change will provide everlasting peace. I would also encourage you to focus on the promises that the Lord has given us in the Bible instead of the lies that we can sometimes tell ourselves. There is no such thing as being too far gone to experience the Lord’s goodness.
“I am still learning to take every thought captive and rest in the Lord’s promises, and it is so encouraging to know that the Lord meets us in that. He is kind and patient towards us no matter what. His faithfulness always remains. The only thing that has become great in my life is the Lord’s work in it. His greatness is a constant reminder that through some of my toughest moments, He is right beside me at every step. Life with Him has become so peaceful and joyful because I now can experience the full freedom that is found within Him.”
Re:generation for students is an opportunity for students in grades 6-12 to find freedom and healing in God’s Word from personal struggles like substance abuse, depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, people-pleasing, sexual sin, eating disorders, pain of a broken home, suicidal thoughts, anger, and many more. Learn more about the upcoming session beginning August 19.