Discussion Questions: December 31, 2017

Discussion Questions: December 31, 2017 Hero Image Discussion Questions: December 31, 2017 Hero Image


This weekend, Blake Holmes helped us prepare for the 2018 Journey (www.jointhejourney.com) by giving us an overview of the book of Romans. Blake took us on a 30,000-foot flyover of the entire book as he broke down the four main sections—Sin, Salvation, Sovereignty, & Service—as well as gave us a one or two-word title for each of the book’s 16 chapters.

Discussion Questions

  1. “Most of us would try to get to heaven by saying we are better than the next guy. We hope our good deeds will outweigh our bad deeds. The problem is, God’s standard is perfection. Just like a righteous judge on earth punishes unjust behavior, God must punish sin. Do you recognize your need for a Savior?” Find one way this next week to both remind yourself of your need for Christ, as well as share with someone else their need for Christ.
  2. “What voice are you choosing to obey: flesh or Spirit? God’s not looking to rip you off, He’s trying to set you free. We don’t have to be empowered by the old master (flesh), we can choose to obey and listen to our new Master (Spirit).” What voice are you choosing to obey? What area in your life are you most prone to obey your flesh? Share this with your community group and ask them to help you identify one way you can crucify your flesh and obey the Spirit.
  3. We don’t just read our Bible for better understanding, we read it for transformation. The goal is not to just have more information, but to relate to a person, and that person is Christ.” How does your story fit within The Story? Pick one way you can more intentionally live on mission in 2018 as you seek to live for The Story rather than your story and share it with your group.

Check out these resources and join us as we journey through Romans in 2018:

Romans Overview

Romans Outline

  • Sin (1-3)
  • Salvation (4-8)
  • Sovereignty (9-11)
  • Service (12-16)

Romans Chapter Titles

  1. No Excuse
  2. No Distinction
  3. Guilty, But...
  4. Abraham
  5. Blessings
  6. License
  7. Law
  8. Spirit
  9. Israel’s Past
  10. Israel’s Present
  11. Israel’s Future
  12. Transformation
  13. Government
  14. Weaker Brother
  15. Paul’s Ministry
  16. Legacy

Additional Resource