
Tess Bragg

Elementary Coordinator

Meet Tess

Born and raised in Sulphur Springs, Texas in a Christian home by two wonderful parents and two older brothers. I’ve loved the Lord for as long as I can remember but struggled deeply with the approval of others. Went to college to play soccer at Harding University and left with a teaching degree. Moved to Dallas in 2011. Taught 12 years at an elementary school in Mesquite. During my teaching career I grew a deep desire to share with kids how much they are loved and valued by Jesus. Also, I learned what it looks like to work for Him and not the approval of man. Through faithful believing friends and community, I’ve been challenged to address my fear of people’s approval. It was made clear to me I hadn’t fully accepted the freedom and grace Jesus had bought and paid for. I now accept it and gratefully swim in the grace!

Never thought I’d be working for the Lord at a church, but He loves to surprise us. He brought me here in 2023 as the 2-3 Kids Coordinator. I’m looking forward to seeing how He uses my story to tell of His love and saving grace.

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