What is a time you saw someone’s life improve because of a choice they made that did not honor God?
How does it make you feel to know that every day, there are millions of people who are getting what they want because they make horrible choices that hurt other people? How does it make God feel?
What do you know to be true about God, even though there are good things happening to bad people? Where do you see this in your bible? (God’s justice is seen in Psalm 73:18-20. Instead of giving them the answer, help them get there through explanation.)
Explain how Jesus dying on the cross is an example of God’s Justice.
How can we have hope when we know that this life will be full of hardship? (John 16:33)
The book of Psalms provides an honest look at what it’s like to have a relationship with God. Each chapter encourages us to be real about the challenges we face in life and the promises that should guide us every day. This summer we will be studying specific chapters in the book of Psalms that teach us how to look to God in any circumstance.