Summer in the Psalms – Psalm 51

Summer in the Psalms

Jonathan LinderJul 11, 2021Dallas

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever thought about what your response should be after you sin?

  2. What feelings or emotions do you normally have after you sin?

  3. Who or what are some of the things that you run to after you sin?

  4. Why are we tempted to think that we can “work our way out of” or “fix” our own sin? What does the gospel say about this? Ephesians 2:8-9

  5. What is something from today’s message or small group discussion that you can take and put into practice this summer?

About 'Summer in the Psalms'

The book of Psalms provides an honest look at what it’s like to have a relationship with God. Each chapter encourages us to be real about the challenges we face in life and the promises that should guide us every day. This summer we will be studying specific chapters in the book of Psalms that teach us how to look to God in any circumstance.