Summer in the Psalms – Psalm 34

Summer in the Psalms

Jonathan LinderJun 27, 2021Dallas

Discussion Questions

  1. During your time reading Psalm 34 what are a few things that stood out to you?

  2. What are some of the promises we see in Psalm 34? How do they give us peace?

  3. What does it mean to taste and see that the Lord is good?

  4. When is the last time you can think of where you lacked peace? How can we find peace in the Lord?

  5. What is your current time, place, and plan for reading the bible this summer and why is that important?

  6. What is a passage you have been reading lately/ what has God been teaching you from his word?

About 'Summer in the Psalms'

The book of Psalms provides an honest look at what it’s like to have a relationship with God. Each chapter encourages us to be real about the challenges we face in life and the promises that should guide us every day. This summer we will be studying specific chapters in the book of Psalms that teach us how to look to God in any circumstance.