Conquest and Judges

Long Story Short

Jermaine HarrisonJun 16, 2021Dallas

Long Story Short Part 3: Conquest & Judges

What picture comes to mind when you imagine yourself living a successful life? Most of us can immediately think of a few things that would mark our lives as successful. But what if your pictured is misguided, incomplete, or even wrong? Thankfully God’s word gives us a clear picture of what a successful life looks like, with many reminders of what happens when we choose our own path.

In this message, we’ll see how to live a truly successful life.

Message Outline

1. Listen to God
  • Joshua 1:7–9
  • He is wise, His Word is true, and He wants to be with you wherever you go

What does God’s word clearly say that you need to especially listen to right now?

2. Look back on His work in your life
  • Joshua 3:15-17
  • Joshua 4:6b–7
  • It’s so easy to forget. Looking back inspires you to move forward in following Him.

What prayer has God answered in the past 3 months?

3. Leave your idols behind
  • Joshua 24:14–15
  • An idol is anything other than God that wants to influence the direction of your life. An idols promises you a successful life, but can never deliver.

What idol are you tempted to run to right now?

Every one of us has the freedom to choose God or our idols, and there’s an easy way to ruin your life:
  • Judges 2:10–11
  • This sin leads to the oppression of the Israelites. Then, God raises up judges to relieve the people of their oppression. However, we see the people follow a very familiar cycle of sin, which we are still prone to do today. Judges reminds us that even the best of us are far from perfect, and we are desperate for a perfect judge.
Long Story Short: Jesus came to lead you out of a life ruined by sin, into a life reunited with God

Discussion Questions:

  1. What picture comes to mind when you imagine yourself living a successful life?
  2. What does God’s word clearly say that you need to especially listen to right now?
  3. What prayer has God answered in the past 3 months?
  4. How has God grown you in the past 3 months?
  5. What idol are you tempted to run to right now?

About 'Long Story Short'

The Bible is one cohesive story written over the course of 1500 years, by 40 different authors recording the history of God’s unwavering extension of His love to humans who immediately chose to go their own way when given the choice. The Bible isnt just a history book or a self-help novel. It is a record of God’s love being made known and available to humanity. Long Story Short is an effort to give teenagers a general handle on the expanse of biblical history with a special focus on events & people that are foundational for an accurate Christian worldview. We hope that students walk away from this summer series with a greater hunger to dive into God’s word, learn more about God’s love for them, and live their lives in light of the love they have experienced.