Summer in the Psalms – Psalm 23

Summer in the Psalms

Ryan OakesJun 13, 2021Dallas

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 23

In this message, we’ll see when all you want is God, you will get peace, courage, and mercy because you have a good Shepherd.

Message Outline

1. Peace
Psalm 23:2-3a: “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”

  • Green = life & abundance
  • Pasture = food & nourishment
  • Still Waters = rest & restoration
  • Isaiah 26:3
  • There is freedom in trusting God because we know that in Christ we will find life and life abundantly, all of our desires completely satisfied in Him.

2. Courage
Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

  • We are promised the Lord’s presence.

Most of you haven’t experienced persecution and maybe never will. But you have and/or will experience opportunities to speak up when others don’t and fear will tempt you to want to stay quiet. When all you want is God, His opinion outweighs the opinion of others, and you get courage because He’s with you.

3. Mercy
Psalm 23:6: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

  • When God doesn’t give us what we want, He uses circumstances to show us mercy. Oftentimes, when we are tempted to be bummed that we didn’t get what we wanted, God gives us something better. For me, that was my eternal security.
Bottom Line: When all you want is God, you will get peace, courage, and mercy because you have a good Shepherd. Believe that even when you can’t trace His hand, you can trust His heart.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is something you want in your life right now?
  2. Has there ever been a time you really wanted something, and God didn’t give it to you? How did you respond?
  3. Read Psalm 23:2-3a. What’s one way you rest in God? How are you going to do that this week?
  4. Read Psalm 23:4. Knowing that the presence of God gives you courage, has there ever been a time where you felt like you should say something, but you didn’t? Why?
  5. Have you ever been through something you thought was bad, but God used it for good?

About 'Summer in the Psalms'

The book of Psalms provides an honest look at what it’s like to have a relationship with God. Each chapter encourages us to be real about the challenges we face in life and the promises that should guide us every day. This summer we will be studying specific chapters in the book of Psalms that teach us how to look to God in any circumstance.