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Our role in this story is to simply choose life. Choosing life means to love God more than anything else. So often we believe that our role is to be obedient and follow the commandments. We have it backwards. Our role is to choose life, and God will give us the power to be obedient.
In this message we will see How God has made it possible for us to choose life.
1. We have chosen death.
2. It's not about you.
3. Life is found in Love.
Bottom Line: We chose death, and this leads to life apart from God. Jesus chose death so that we may live a life with God.
The Bible is one cohesive story written over the course of 1500 years, by 40 different authors recording the history of God’s unwavering extension of His love to humans who immediately chose to go their own way when given the choice. The Bible isnt just a history book or a self-help novel. It is a record of God’s love being made known and available to humanity. Long Story Short is an effort to give teenagers a general handle on the expanse of biblical history with a special focus on events & people that are foundational for an accurate Christian worldview. We hope that students walk away from this summer series with a greater hunger to dive into God’s word, learn more about God’s love for them, and live their lives in light of the love they have experienced.