A couple weeks ago we talked about reconciliation with God and man. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Would you say that you've been reconciled to God? Why or why not?
Reconciliation with God leads to reconciliation with man. Read Ephesians 2:11- 22. Why should we, as Christians, care about reconciling with others?
(Read again v. 13-16, Christ died in order to bring unity and reconciliation)
Our world is talking a lot about racial reconciliation right now. How can this passage set a foundation for how you think about and respond to this topic?
At the core of many of the topics we've covered in this series is Imago Dei. Read Genesis 1:26-28. How does being made in God's image affect the way we relate to others and view all of life?
Another topic we discussed recently was abortion and how the world around us views life inside the womb. Read Psalm 139:13-15. According to this Scripture, when does life begin, and why is that important?
If you were at Wake this weekend, who remembers what the acronym SLEDD stood for? Why was this important?
(Size, Level of Development, Environment, Desirability, Dependency - none of these factors determine someone's value or worth)
What does it mean to be human and who determines that? How ought that impact the way that we respond to all that we've discussed in this series?
Our Nation’s motto is ‘In God We Trust’, yet we are living in a world that is increasingly abandoning its trust in God and what His Word says is true. So how should students live in a nation that seemingly grows in its opposition to Biblical truths? In our newest series, In God We Trust, we want to help students truly place their trust in God as they see and respond to the world around them from a Biblical worldview. We want to point out where this is true, and how we can fully place our trust in God.