What experiences have you had, positive or negative, that shape how you think about and respond to authority?
Read Ephesians 6:1-4. God has given authority in the home to parents. Do you feel as though you have a hard time obeying your parents? Why or why not?
In Ephesians 6, Paul reminds us that the command to obey our parents is the first command with a promise attached to it. How is obeying your parents meant to bring blessing to your life?
Read Romans 13:1-5. If ALL authority has been established by God, how should that change the way that you respond to authority figures in your life? Is there ever reason NOT to submit to authority?
(We should not submit to authority that causes us to sin against our highest authority, which is God. Ref. Daniel 6, Acts 4:18-21, Acts 5:27-32)
Read Acts 2:42-47. As you read this passage about the early church, what are some characteristics you see that defined this group of people? Do you feel like our small group is marked by those same qualities?
All of us have the choice to come under the authority of the church. Read 1 Peter 5:5-6. What does it mean to 'belong' to a local church, and why is that important?
Read Philippians 2:5-11. Every knee will someday bow to our ultimate authority, Jesus Christ. What does it mean to surrender to Christ's authority in your life? Have you done this?
Our Nation’s motto is ‘In God We Trust’, yet we are living in a world that is increasingly abandoning its trust in God and what His Word says is true. So how should students live in a nation that seemingly grows in its opposition to Biblical truths? In our newest series, In God We Trust, we want to help students truly place their trust in God as they see and respond to the world around them from a Biblical worldview. We want to point out where this is true, and how we can fully place our trust in God.