To Heal, Not to Wound

Free Speech

Ryan OakesSep 13, 2020

Discussion Questions

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  1. One of the great freedoms we have in America is the freedom of speech. Read Galatians 5:13. How are we supposed to use our freedoms as followers of Christ?

  2. Read Proverbs 12:18. We are all guilty of using our words to wound others, rather than to heal. What's an example of a time when you wish you could've gotten your words back?

  3. We can limit our reckless words by thinking before we speak. Read Proverbs 17:27-28 and James 1:19. Why is it difficult for us to be slow in our response to others?
    (We lack self-control, in our pride we want to be heard ~ Prov. 18:2, we let our emotions control our actions and words, etc.)

  4. Read Philippians 2:3-4. How often do you truly stop to consider other people's interests before you speak to them? How would that change the way you speak to people?

  5. Read Proverbs 27:5-6. Why should we trust the 'wounds from a friend'?
    (We all need correction, admonishment, and 'wounds' from friends when we've lost our way. Good friends help us to correct our course.)

  6. When is an appropriate time to 'faithfully wound' a friend?
    (1. Are they seriously dishonoring God? 2. Has something they've said or done permanently damaged a relationship? 3. Have you or someone else been hurt by their actions? 4. Are they causing harm to themselves?)

  7. How should you use your words when correcting a friend?
    (Speak honestly ~ Eph. 4:25, speak gently ~ Prov. 15:1, and seek their benefit ~ Eph. 4:29.)

About 'Free Speech'

One of the freedoms we have in America is the freedom of our speech. However, as followers of Christ, we use our freedom to heal, not wound, to build, not tear down, and to bless, not curse. (Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruits – Prov. 19:2)