Known & Accepted

Wake 2020

In the year 2020, Wake is going to look a lot different. With so much changing in our world, we want to remind our students that some things stay the same. Even though our method may change, our mission remains the same. What does it look like for students to be Known & Accepted, Taught about Jesus, and Challenged to Grow in 2020?

Sean HillAug 23, 2020

Discussion Questions

PDF Version

  1. What do you think it means to be 'known and accepted' by others? Do you feel that from your group?

  2. Read Proverbs 18:1. Why do you think it would be dangerous for us to live isolated from others?

  3. "Fake it 'til you make it" is a really exhausting way to live. Read 1 John 1:7- 10. Why is it important for you to be real and honest with others?

  4. Read Ephesians 5:15-17. We should be thoughtful how we live. In what ways has distraction prevented you from being fully known by others?
    (i.e. your phone keeps you from growing real relationships, video games/TV/Netflix distracts you from being present with those around you, etc.)

  5. Is there anything anyone would like to share to be fully known by the others in this group?
    When someone shares, listen to them, thank them for sharing, encourage them, and remind them of truth from God's Word, affirming His love for them.

About 'Wake 2020'

In the year 2020, Wake is going to look a lot different. With so much changing in our world, we want to remind our students that some things stay the same. That even though our method may change, our mission remains the same. What does it look like to be Known & Accepted, Taught about Jesus, and Challenged to Grow in 2020?