High School Heroes Week 10: Josiah

High School Heroes

In the Bible, there are countless stories of teenagers with a heroic faith that led to a heroic way of living. There is so much teenagers of today can learn from the faithful teenagers of the past!

Austin MankinJul 29, 2020Dallas

Discussion Questions:
• When was the last time you were changed by something you read in God’s word?
• Is there an idol in your life right now that you need to get rid of?
• Do you define success by how you measure up to Gods word or others?
• When was the last time you shared what you learned in God’s word?

Heroic Principle: The Bible will change your life.

At the age of eight Josiah inherited a corrupt kingdom that had turned away from the Lord.
Josiah used Gods Word to lead one of the greatest recorded revivals in history. Josiah’s story is a powerful example that Gods word can change your life when you read and respond to it.

Key Takeaways:
• The reason King Josiah was a great king is because he allowed Gods word to change his life.
• The Bible will help you recognize your sin, remove your idols, rise above your environment, and read what you are learning to others.
• An idol is anything that we put before God.
• If you know Gods word, you have the power to change the environment you are around.
• Read the Bible like you are going to teach the Bible. When you know Gods word you always have something important to say.
• When we remove an idol from our life, we must make sure we don’t leave room for that sin to enter again.
• Don’t come to Gods word casually, come to Gods word hungry.

• Matthew 22:36-39
• 2 Kings 21:16
• 2 Kings 22:2, 8,11
• 2 Kings 23:1-3, 19, 25