High School Heroes Week 7: Uzziah

High School Heroes

In the Bible, there are countless stories of teenagers with a heroic faith that led to a heroic way of living. There is so much teenagers of today can learn from the faithful teenagers of the past!

Jermaine HarrisonJul 8, 2020Dallas

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is an older, wiser person in your life? What have you learned recently from them that has helped you follow God?
  2. What are some habits in your life right now that help you seek the Lord, and follow Him daily?
  3. What success are you enjoying in life right now, that if you aren't careful, could lead to pride?
  4. What are some practical ways that you can daily choose to reject pride & pursue humility?

Heroic Principle: Pride is the enemy of spiritual progress. Humility is a friend to those who want to grow.

Most teenagers want to have a successful teenage experience as a great son, daughter, student, classmate, teammate, or friend. One key to a successful teenage experience is humility, one fatal enemy awaiting all of us is pride. The story of teenage king Uzziah shows us the results of humility and pride in our lives, and urges us to daily choose humility.

Key Takeaways:
• Uzziah becomes king of Judah at the age of 16. He is one of the few kings of Israel described as a righteous king.
• Uzziah surrounds himself with older, wiser leadership that teaches him the will and way of God.
• As Uzziah submits to the Lord, he experiences general success in life.
• When Uzziah experiences success and notoriety, it goes to his head, and he chooses pride over humility.
• Uzziah’s pride leads him to take on the role of priest that he was not fit for.
• Uzziah’s pride leads him to reject the advice of older, wiser people.
• Uzziah’s pride ultimately leads to him being stripped of success and responsibility.
• If we reject pride as our enemy, and embrace humility, we set ourselves up for a successful life, supported by God.

• 2 Chronicles 26:3-5
• Joshua 1:8
• 2 Chronicles 26:16-21