How to Open Your Bible & Not Just Point to a Random Verse: Part 1

How to Open Your Bible & Not Just Point to a Random Verse

God gave us His holy Scriptures as His revealed character & will to us, as well as the story of redemption He has worked and is continuing to work in our lives - it is of the highest opportunity and importance we read it daily. But what does it look like to study Scripture, and how do we do it effectively? In this series we are going to talk about and teach through how we can open our bibles and not just point to a random verse, but truly learn how to understand and apply God's Word to our lives.

Jacob AlgerNov 3, 2019

Discussion Questions

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  1. How would you go about finding a verse on a particular topic (anger, pride, purity etc.) in the Bible without using google or searching in an app?
    -Show concordance in back of most bibles.

  2. Read Hebrews 4:12 & 2 Timothy 3:16- 17. What are some attributes of scripture laid out in these verses? Why do we need God's word and what are we to do with it?

  3. How can you read a passage of scripture and identify its theme and central message?
    -In Wake specifically we talked about a three step process to reading God's word. (Observe, interpret, apply).

  4. Why is it not helpful to jump straight to the question "how does this apply to my life?" What will you be missing if you do that?
    -Without proper observation and interpretation, we may misapply Scripture.

  5. Let's open to Acts 17 and read verses 1-9 with the intention of observing first. Ask the 5 observation questions- Who, what, when, where, why.

  6. After reading Acts 17:1-9, try and answer these questions: who was this book written for and who was it written by? What is this book about? Why did the author write this or why did the audience need it? Where is this all taking place?

  7. Now that we have the facts we can move into interpretation; what are the 3 C's of interpreting scripture?
    -Context, Cross- Reference, Commentaries
    Where can you find commentaries?
    -Good websites:,,

  8. Let's recap again what is going on in Acts 17:1-9, who can put into their own terms what is happening? What are some practical applications that can come from this passage?
    -God’s Word is sufficient to reason and defend our faith. Not all will receive the message we preach. When we faithfully speak the truth, we will face opposition.

  9. Sometimes to best apply scripture we need to put on our S.P.E.C.S;
    S-sin to avoid or confess in my life
    P-promise to keep, does God show something he guarantees here
    E- example to follow
    C- command to obey
    S- stumbling block to avoid

  10. How can the passage of Acts 17:1-9 change your life?