The Illusion Conclusion

The Illusion

We are all tempted to create a different picture of who we really are; maybe it’s because we’re trying to escape or cover our failure, mask pain, or because we’re consumed by comparison with others. For all these reasons and more, we often create an “illusion” to those around us, hiding the present reality. In this series, we seek to help students find the freedom that comes with establishing their identity in Christ. This week we closed our series by challenging our students to focus on how their life would introduce them versus how they could be introduced in accordance with Scripture.

Ryan OakesSep 29, 2019Dallas

Discussion Questions

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  1. Let's quickly recap what we talked about this weekend. Who was at Wake and wants to share what Sean taught about in the conclusion to our series, "The Illusion"?
  2. Read a few of these passages. What is significant about the way that these authors introduce themselves? What does it say about them?
    • Galatians 1:1
    • James 1:1
    • 2 Peter 1:1
    • Romans 1:1-6
  3. This weekend we had you write your own form of an introduction paragraph. Who wants to share what they wrote? Leaders, feel free to share what you wrote and take lead on modeling authenticity with this.
  4. Sean talked briefly this weekend about how our identity will determine our direction. How have you seen this be true in your life? What do your thoughts/time/activities tell you about where you're finding your identity? 1.What do you think it means to find your identity in Christ? What Scriptures would inform your answer?
    • 2 Cor. 5:17, Eph. 2:10, Gal. 1:10, John 1:12. Finding your identity in Christ means you find your worth in Him alone, not seeking approval or validation from other sources.
  5. How would your life look different if you placed your whole identity in Christ alone? If your closest friends were asked where you place your identity, what do you think they would say?
  6. Who can recap the three primary topics we've covered over the course of this series? Which of these have you related to the most?
    • We've discussed how to deal with Failure, Pain, and Comparison in order to find our identity in Christ.
  7. What has been the most impactful lesson that God has taught you through this series?
  8. One of the ways that we identify ourselves with Christ is by sharing how He's changed our life. Who would be willing to share their testimony?
    • Great opportunity to coach your groups through sharing their story (life before Christ, coming to know Christ, life after Christ).