DadU: Tackling Your Greatest Parenting Challenge

Dad U

Have you ever considered what your greatest parenting challenge is? While each stage of the fatherhood journey presents unique difficulties and parenting riddles to solve, there is one challenge that remains constant through every stage of your parenting – YOU! At this session of DadU we consider the influence we have as Dads in the lives of our children simply through the life we model for them and 3 markers of our life that we can use to evaluate our faithfulness in the area of self-leadership. To view resources on this podcast, visit:

Sep 10, 2019


To that end, we always want to give you at least one way, if not a few ways, that you can put into action. Here are a few things for you to consider:

  1. Family Disciplieship Plan: Regardless of the age of your children, the attached "Family Discipleship Plan" is something that you can do to be thoughtful about goals you have for your family and how you want your faith to play out in your home. We will be referring to this as we walk through "Model, Train, Pray, Trust", but we'd encourage you to come up with your "Family Vision Statement" and some goals you have for yourself in the area of "Model".
  2. Family Survey: For those of you who have kids old enough to speak/write, the attached Family Survey is a great way to take the temperature in your home with your kids on what kind of Model you are giving them. Use this as an evaluation tool. Listen, take it in, don't argue with them or defend yourself, and see what the Lord might want to teach you through the insight of your children.
  3. Baptism: As I mentioned this morning, if you are a believer in Christ and have never taken the step of obedience to be baptized as a believer, now is your time. Head over to and learn more about what the process might look like as well as what our beliefs are about the role of baptism in the life of a believer. Taking this step of obedience yourself is key to being able to shepherd the hearts of your children towards this moment themselves someday. If you have questions about this, your table leader from this morning would be a great starting point to ask questions and get direction from.


As always, we want to make you aware of additional resources that go hand-in-hand with the lesson. We'd point you to any number of offerings from our Equipping ministry here at Watermark, whether that is Equipped Disciple, Core Classes, or even the Great Questions class. It could be that you need to focus in this season on strengthening your marriage at ReEngage or on working on personal holiness in Re:Generation. These are all tremendous resources at your fingertips that we hope you'll take advantage of, as appropriate.

About 'Dad U'

Dad U equips all men – from expecting fathers to dads parenting young adults – for the high calling of biblical fatherhood.