What does scripture have to say about exercise? What are the physical, emotional and mental benefits? How do you exercise in a way that glorifies God?
Cynthia Culver • Jan 19, 2007
About 'Body Image'
Are you tired of trying to find your security and significance in what you see in the mirror, the number on the scale or what's hanging in your closet? Are you confused by all the different messages our society sends about how to attain the perfect body? Are you tired of the obsession with it all?
You are not alone.
Many women in our culture struggle with an obsession involving their appearance but rarely apply biblical principles to this area of their lives. God?s Word speaks directly to this issue and by knowing His Word, understanding His Will and walking in His Ways, will you live in the joy and freedom God intends. We pray that as you listen to this series, you will find the hope and practical tools that allow you to take the next steps towards true freedom.