Extraordinary Men, Ordinary Failures: King Rehoboam

Extraordinary Men, Ordinary Failures

King Rehoboam was extraordinary because he was the son of the wisest man who ever lived and because he built several important cities in Judah, including Bethlehem. However, his pride prevented him from listening to wise counselors. We must all learn how to surround ourselves with wise counselors in order to mitigate the effects of pride in our own lives. Living in biblical community with others who will tell us the truth - not just what we want to hear - will enable us to follow Christ with greater devotion.

Blake HolmesAug 3, 20031 Kings 12:1-20

About 'Extraordinary Men, Ordinary Failures'

What do Saul, David, Solomon and Rehoboam all have in common? They were all extraordinary kings of Israel. Unfortunately, they also made some very ordinary failures. Do you ever struggle with people-pleasing? Have you ever felt let down by someone you trusted? Have you ever felt like giving up? Do you long for the wise counsel of others? If so, this series is for you because truly extraordinary people are those who learn from their very ordinary failures.