DadU: Competing for Time - The Role of Sports & Activities in Family Life

Dad U

In today’s parenting environment, there is no lack of opportunity when it comes to filling our kids’ weekly calendars. Sports leagues, private instructors, dance studios, and after-school activities abound and demand our attention, all appealing to our dreams of “what-could-be” or at least our desire to give our kids the very best. How then do we navigate this cultural moment and lead our family to honor God and one another with the way we invest our time? Join us on Tuesday morning as John McGee leads us to consider how to purposefully and thoughtfully steward our most valuable family asset – TIME.

John McGeeSep 18, 2018

About 'Dad U'

Dad U equips all men – from expecting fathers to dads parenting young adults – for the high calling of biblical fatherhood.