Rethinking Truth


In a world where absolute truth is considered relative, leadership seems to lead based on poll numbers and especially at a time when our world needs to grasp some painful realities, it's more important than ever that we build the foundation of our lives on something unshakable and immutable. Something that can't be manipulated or made up. Why is truth so difficult to come by? And what is the inevitable outcome when we miss it?

Todd WagnerJan 13, 2008

About 'Re-Engage'

New Year?s resolutions inevitably revolve around some aspect of self-improvement. With the advent of each new year, many of us resolve to live healthier, less complicated, better informed, more organized lives. What would happen if we simply decided in 2008 to more fully obey God?s greatest commandments? According to Christ, the best resolution we could make would be to love God and love others more fully this year. And every year. In this series, Todd Wagner kicks off a new year by examining what it would look like for us to fall more deeply in love with God and His people. Join him as he leads us in responding to God's call to re-engage with Him, His truth, our purpose, our community, our world, and our relationships, concluding each message with one straightforward, relevant application. We pray this series will bless and encourage you as you take practical steps toward loving God and loving His people this year!