Marriage Wrongs and How to Make Them Right

The View Ahead: Watermark's Marriage Conference 2007

In this first session of "The View Ahead" marriage conference, Todd addresses the couples together and discusses six marriage wrongs and how to make them right.  These wrongs include a wrong view of marriage, a wrong view of self, a wrong view of the world, a wrong way to cope, a wrong set of tools, and a wrong way to live. Todd contrasts these wrongs with God?s way to make them right.

Todd WagnerOct 13, 2007

About 'The View Ahead: Watermark's Marriage Conference 2007'

God's Word is clear: Marriage is more than staying undivorced or sticking it out until "death do us part". The Lord has a divine plan for marriage - a desire for us to achieve oneness and for our marriages to point others to the fingerprints of a sovereign Creator. A great tool both for couples and community groups, the messages in this set offer insightful teaching and practical "next steps" for your marriage. We hope you'll enjoy the time you spend learning and growing together as you pursue the oneness God intends.