The Crux of Our Faith: How Did We Miss It?

Remembering Easter

Do we often think of Easter as a once-a-year holiday where we focus more on inviting our unbelieving friends than we do about its significance for us as Christ-followers every other day of the year? Revisiting the Easter celebration, JP walks us through the foreshadowing of Jesus' death and its centrality to our faith. How did the Jews miss it then, and in what ways can we miss it still today?

Jonathan PokludaJun 10, 2012Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 9:22; Genesis 22:13-14; Leviticus 16:5-28; Hebrews 10:1-4; Hebrews 10:8-14; Matthew 27:11-26; Hebrews 9:11-14; Psalms 22:1, 14-18; Genesis 3:7-21