Living Life on Purpose - Week 5

Living Life on Purpose

Each of us has an opportunity to be faithful where God has placed us and we can finish well by living with reckless abandon and ruthless discipline. God doesn't condemn our longing for significance, He simply corrects our strategy. Greatness comes through serving and giving: We're not here to get something out of life, we're here to add something to it.

Todd WagnerFeb 5, 2004

About 'Living Life on Purpose'

Self-help books often suggest that you try to discover the meaning and purpose of your life by looking within yourself, but until you begin with God's reasons for creating you, life will never make sense. So where does real purpose come from and what does it look like? Find out as the men of Watermark study "The Purpose Driven Life" and look at over 1,500 places from God's Word where He answers this question.