Part 3: Refresh

Women's Retreat 2012

How do we live in that redemption identity consistently in all the power afforded to us? The fact is we do so by the Spirit, but as women living in a fallen world we find that we do not consistently do that. Judy discusses four things that she feel the Lord has used in her life to help her abide in the ����¯�¿�½������¢������¯������¿������½������¯������¿������½refreshness����¯�¿�½������¢������¯������¿������½������¯������¿������½ God has provided for her and that she feels will help women to abide in His provision for refreshing also. She uses the analogy of staying hydrated and ����¯�¿�½������¢������¯������¿������½������¯������¿������½capturing your mind time����¯�¿�½������¢������¯������¿������½������¯������¿������½.

Judy WimberleyJan 27, 2012