Breaking Down the Wall of Our Ineffectiveness in Serving the State

2010 Messages

A free society is founded on three pillars: family, church and government. When the family and church fail to fulfill their God-mandated roles, they often abdicate their authority to the other pillar, government. Todd is joined by Kelly Shackelford, President/CEO of Liberty Institute for a discussion of the believer's role in government, the church's rightful duty in society, the Establishment Clause, the origin of the phrase "separation of church and state", and the correct exercise of our God-given freedoms as American citizens.

To supplement this message, we encourage you to listen to or view the message, "Believers and Their Government".

Todd Wagner, Kelly ShackelfordJul 4, 2010Proverbs 24:11-12; Ezekiel 22:22-31; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 6:4-9

About '2010 Messages'

These are messages given in 2010 that are not part of a specific series.