How to Forgive... When You Don't Feel Like It

June Hunt on Forgiveness

When someone hurts us, our natural response is to strike back. Though we know God has called us to forgive, we wonder: What if it hurts too much or if the other person isn?t sorry? Why should I let my offender off the hook? If you?ve been pinned down under a landslide of pain, here?s how to find true freedom through forgiveness.

June HuntFeb 21, 2010

About 'June Hunt on Forgiveness'

June Hunt is the founder and CEO of Hope For The Heart, a worldwide counseling ministry providing biblical hope and practical help in 23 languages and 60 countries. Hope is dedicated to presenting God?s Truth for Today?s Problems -confident that a changed mind produces a changed heart... and a changed heart produces a changed life. June?s monthly Biblical Counseling Institutes highlight topics heard on her award-winning radio broadcasts, Hope For The Heart and Hope In The Night, a live two-hour call-in counseling program which features content from Hope?s 100-topic Biblical Counseling Library. June?s books include "Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes", "Bonding with Your Teens through Boundaries", "How to Forgive . . . When You Don?t Feel Like It", the "Counseling Through Your Bible Handbook", "How to Handle Your Emotions, and "Keeping Your Cool?When Your Anger Is Hot".