Life's too Short to Miss the Party

Life's too Short

Pastor and author Tim Keller has said that the story of the prodigal son could more appropriately be titled "The Prodigal God", since the word "prodigal" refers to someone who is lavish or extravagant. God is lavish and extravagant in the way He loves and pursues us. Are we too focused on the temporal unsatisfying "party" going on around us and missing out on the eternal, abundant, life-giving celebration that God offers to those who respond to His love?

Jonathan PokludaFeb 28, 2010Luke 15:11-32; Luke 15:1-2; Proverbs 14:12; Luke 15:20-24; Luke 15:11-20; Luke 15:25-32

About 'Life's too Short'

James 4:14 tells us, "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." "Where does the time go?" "Can't believe I'm having another birthday already...." "Time flies!" We hear these expressions all the time. But does the way we live our lives reflect the urgency of life? Do we truly act as though we only have a short time to make an eternal difference? Join Jonathan Pokluda, Watermark's Director of Young Adults, as he talks about four pitfalls we need to avoid - worry, indifference, timidity and misplaced priorities - if we want to live a full life that glorifies God and impacts others. One that while short, will continue to bring honor to the Lord long after we've gone.