The Greatest Things are Still to Come in This City


As we wrap up this celebration of our first ten years, we review some of the ministry opportunities God has given us over the years and prepare to tackle several new ones.

Todd WagnerJan 31, 2010Psalms 48:1-3, 12-14

About '10'

A new worship center. ALARM partnership. Celebrate Recovery. The Watermark Conspiracy. Stuffed trucks. Full hearts. Changed lives.These are just some of the amazing things the Lord has allowed us to be a part of in the ten years since Watermark Community Church began. We started as a small core of eight families in mid-1999, asking ourselves what God might want to accomplish through us in Dallas, in our country and maybe even across the globe to make His Name more famous. And it?s been a great ride.But we firmly believe that our best years are still to come. That He has even greater tasks for us to carry out for His glory and for the good of a hurting, hungry world. Join us as we celebrate where He has taken us these last ten years. More importantly, though, we invite you to consider with us what He might still do through those whose ?hearts are fully committed to Him.? (2 Chronicles 16:9)