My guess is that most of you started singing the alphabet song in your head as you read the letters above. Why is that? Because the power of melody helped you memorize the alphabet as a child, and it stuck.
That power is why we use songs in Starting Blocks to help preschoolers learn our 12 Scripture memory verses throughout the year. This year we are excited to introduce the kids to a new set of original Scripture memory songs. These new songs were written and recorded by members of our own Watermark worship arts team – Jon Abel, Jarrod Rudesill, Dinah Wright, and Hayden Browning. Because these are all original works, we are able to make the recordings available to you! Click on the links below to download the songs so your whole family can learn these verses together.
1: The Beginning, Aug 18-Sept 2, Genesis 1:1, Audio
2: Patriarchs, Sept 8-Sept 30, Psalm 18:30, Audio
3: Moses & Joshua, Oct 6-Nov 4, Joshua 1:9, Audio
4: Kings & Prophets, Nov 10-Nov 25, Psalm 119:105, Audio
5: Christmas, Dec 1-Dec 24, John 3:16, Audio
6: Jesus, Dec 29-Jan 27, Matthew 19:14, Audio
7: Miracles, Feb 2-Feb 24, Psalm 139:14, Audio
8: Easter, Mar 23-Apr 28, Romans 5:8, Audio
9: Early Church, May 4-Jun 9, Psalm 107:1, Audio
10: Parables, Jun 15-Jun 30, John 14:6, Audio
11: Serving Others, Mar 2-Mar 17, Matthew 22:37-39, Audio
12: Old Testament, Jul 6-Aug 4, Jeremiah 33:3, Audio
To download all the songs at once: ZIP
We also teach the kids a worship song with each unit. Often parents are interested in accessing these songs so they can listen to them at home as well.We do not own the copyright to these songs but their links on Itunes and Spotify are listed below. On Spotify you can also search for the playlist titled, “Starting Blocks WeeJoice Songs”.
Enjoy these songs in the car and at home with your kids. Have your kids teach you the motions to the songs so you can worship together! The more often your child hears these songs the more they will know them and the truths they teach. Take advantage of the power of music to set truth in the hearts of your kids (and yourself).
Song Title
Unit Name
God Made It all
1: The Beginning
My God is So Big
Many versions available
2: Patriarchs
Wherever Whatever
3: Moses & Joshua
4: Kings & Prophets
Above All Names
5: Christmas
My Best Friend
6: Jesus
Whoa, I Have Life
7: Miracles & 10: Parables
One Two Three
8: Easter
God Cares for Me
No longer available
9: Early Church
God Loves You and Me
11: Serving Others
Oh, He Loves Me
12: Old Testament
I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. –Psalm 119:11
Image via Unsplash