We’ve all had those moments where we have absolutely no idea what to do next. Surrounded by chaos we cry out to God for wisdom. He hears our cry and is willing to help us. He is also there in the ordinary days, days where everything is going our way and life is great. He is there waiting for us to cry out in the same desperation because He knows we need Him just as much in seasons of comfort as we do in seasons of distress. Wherever our lives take us, from the highest mountains to the lowest valleys, God is there and He wants us to rely on His wisdom and understanding, not our own.
WISDOM: An understanding of truth that guides your actions
MEMORY VERSE: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey His commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise Him forever!” PSALM 111:10 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: Wisdom Works Wherever You Are!
From the depths of a dungeon to 2nd in command of the most powerful country in the world, the path that Joseph’s life took was probably not what he or anyone else ever expected. In every stop on his journey, Joseph relied on God’s wisdom to help him in whatever situation he faced. He continued to give God the glory despite his circumstances and his life is evidence that God’s wisdom works wherever your path may take you. Facing trouble with your family? Read Genesis 37 and 45 to see Joseph’s interactions with his brothers. Tempted or wrongfully accused? Read about the reaction Joseph has to both in Genesis 39. Given an opportunity for greatness? Follow Joseph’s example of humility in Genesis 41. Throughout it all, God had a plan and Joseph remained faithful.
Family Questions:
- What are all the different places Joseph went throughout his life? Where did he need wisdom?
- Read Genesis 45:4-11. Who does Joseph give the credit to for everything that has happened in his life?
- What part of Joseph’s story do you connect with the most? Why?
- Make a list of all of the places you go that you can use wisdom. Do you trust God will give you wisdom if you seek for it and ask Him?
Bring It Home: 3 Activities to Remind Kids God’s Wisdom Works Everywhere!
1. Where Wisdom Works
Grab a map of Dallas/Ft Worth and mark on it all of the places that that the people in your family go. Find you kids’ school(s), where you work, friends/family homes, restaurants or stores you visit, places you go for fun. Get a map of Texas and mark all of the places you’ve been or towns where you know other people. Finally get a map of the United States or even a globe and talk about how, no matter where you are, God’s wisdom works!
2. What’s the Wise Choice?
At dinner or in the car have each person think of a situation where another person in the family would need wisdom. It can be situations like lost lunch money, need to do book report but a friend wants to play, teacher leaves the room and tells class to finish assignment, parents have a hard project to do at work, you get $25 for your birthday, you have three hours of free time, etc. Let each person ask another what the wise choice would be in the situation they thought of. Does everyone agree? Remember wisdom is defined as not just knowing the right choice, but also choosing to follow it.
3. Project 66
How are you and your family doing memorizing the books of the bible for our challenge this month? Play a fun game like tossing a ball back and forth to help them remember what they’re learning. Don’t forget to listen to the Books of the Bible rap to help you remember all 66 books. Mark your calendars for Watermark Kids Live happening from 7-9 on Friday January 31. Don’t miss out!
Prayer: Proverbs 3:5-6
Thank God for wherever He has led you in your life. Thank Him for never leaving you throughout your journey and always being willing to give you wisdom. Ask Him for wisdom in one area of life you’re most likely to try to rely on yourself.
Looking Ahead
Next week we will be wrapping up our month on WISDOM by looking at John 9. When we seek wisdom, it will lead us to Jesus just like it did for the man who was once blind.
Talk Back
What does it look like for your family to search for wisdom? How do you pray for each other when one of you needs wisdom for a particular situation?