What Is A Biblical Response To The Syrian Refugee Crisis?

What Is A Biblical Response To The Syrian Refugee Crisis? Hero Image What Is A Biblical Response To The Syrian Refugee Crisis? Hero Image

Show Notes

Take Aways Mentioned In The Video

  1. Rule of law is important
  2. Facts are our friends
  3. The law of love is always in place whatever the facts are
  4. Law of love is never contradictory to compassion OR wisdom
  5. Wisdom's way is not always politically correct
  6. Love does not mean doing what others want us to do (nice is not kind…kind is grace and truth)
  7. Love is not provoked (by emotion or fear)
  8. Love does not seek its own
  9. Love means action
  10. Action must be compassionate and wise

Tweets From Todd Wagner

We can't just say "we're Christians let 'em in" OR "we're scared keep 'em out" we have to be wise Pr22:3 & loving Lk10:27b #SyrianRefugees

— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) November 18, 2015

We must do justice & love kindness as we walk humbly w/ the Lord (Micah6:8) Govrmnt must vet/protect Church must love/preach #SyrianRefugees

— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) November 18, 2015

Racism is wrong-if ur immigration policy says u need to be white to be welcome u are uninformed/unbiblical/ungodly. #SyrianRefugees But....

— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) November 19, 2015

If I told u the #SyrianRefugees were babies & we're going to DIE if we didn't allow them to immigrate from the womb-would u feel different?

— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) November 18, 2015

If #ParisAttacks have shown the world anything it is that postmodernism is a failed philosophy and Truth matters. Find it. Preach it.

— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) November 18, 2015