True Service

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For the month of June, the Love Our City campaign highlighted different Watermark ministry partners in the impact area of homelessness care and prevention. June is over, but our desire to love and serve our city doesn’t stop! This week, Watermark member Marty Washington reflects on her time serving with our ministry partner, Cornerstone Kitchen. As you read, consider ways you can jump in and love our city this summer!

“I grew up with generations of believers and gave my life to Christ at an early age, surrendering my life more as I learned about my Savior. My service journey began while driving to pick up my son and his friends after prom. A song played on the radio: ‘Give me your eyes for just one minute. Give me your eyes so I can see.’ At that moment, I prayed, 'Lord, give me your eyes so I can see the people who are hurting. Give me your eyes so that I will care about what you care about.’

“I spoke to my husband and said we must get outside of ourselves and start to serve somewhere. He was serving on the Chuckwagon Team that cooked on a large grill as Watermark celebrated baptisms and church celebrations. He got a call to take the Chuckwagon to South Dallas to help celebrate the 1st anniversary of a women’s Bible Study. The drive down to South Dallas led to a vacant lot. Initially, 75 hamburgers were to be given. But my husband had a feeling they were going to need more, so he took 300 hamburgers and hot dogs. Together, they fed not just the one-year Bible study participants but everyone in the community!

“It felt like God called us, and we found our place. We eventually connected with a ministry called Cornerstone Kitchen, where meals are served to people experiencing homelessness. The first time I went, I had a memorable encounter. I sat down with a woman who apologized for eating slowly because she had no teeth and infected gums. As I got to know her, this woman’s story touched me deeply. She was homeless, had been a prostitute, and struggled with addiction. Meeting her changed my heart. God gave me His eyes for His children. She eventually became a close friend, and we shared many moments. She ministered to me as much as I did to her, and God was working through us both. Through our unique interactions, I learned the profound impact one person can have on another.

“Our involvement extended beyond serving meals. I started attending the Bible study for women and building friendships where, in all our differences, we connected with Christ (Acts 4:32). That's the body of Christ. It is true joy and purpose serving as God created.

“My husband and I have been deeply involved with The Cornerstone Kitchen, and we’d love for our church body to serve with us. Just bring yourself! It's an hour and a half to two hours on a Saturday when you can serve by serving meals or enjoying conversations with others.

“Over time, I have seen the power of the Lord in this community. When you've got a group passionate about our Savior, your impact is significant and contagious. Our involvement expanded to a Saturday program like vacation Bible school in the summer. Most kids come from unstable backgrounds and are fatherless or motherless and often raised by grandparents.

“I've learned that service isn't just about others' needs but spiritual growth. It is true fulfillment, purpose, joy, and an understanding of why God wants us to serve. Ultimately, it's not about how often you serve. It's the motivation. It's what's in your heart (Proverbs 16:2). True service connects us to the Lord and makes a difference in other’s lives and our own.

“There are many things to get involved in. Sometimes, it’s hard to see where to go. That's what I want to shine a light on. I hope and pray, ‘Lord, wherever someone is called to serve, they won't hinder the Spirit within them but faithfully go and do what You're calling them to. Light that fire so that we may see through Your eyes, help us do Your will, and go (Matthew 28:19-20).’

“If we as a church body did what God would have us do for our city, I know it would change it beyond recognition.”

Learn more about Cornerstone Kitchen and ways you can get involved.