Three Activities for Preschool Families: Twelve Spies

Three Activities for Preschool Families: Twelve Spies Hero Image Three Activities for Preschool Families: Twelve Spies Hero Image

Do you remember the things you were afraid of as a child? What was it for you? The dark? Monsters under the bed? Parents not being in the same room with you? Looking back, it is fun to laugh at the ridiculousness of the things that we were afraid of then. But in those moments, our terror could not have been more real.

Twelve Israelites spied out the Promised Land and all returned in fear. Ten returned fearing giants and fortified cities. Two chose the fear of the Lord, remembering that He would be with them wherever they went! Use this week’s Bible story to assure your family that our God is powerful and He can be trusted no matter what!

HIGHLIGHTS from the Weekend…

Last week we learned how God saved the Israelites from Pharaoh and the Egyptians by parting the waters of the Red Sea. God led them to the edge of Canaan, the Promised Land. The Lord told Moses to send 12 spies into the land to explore and see if the land was good or bad, if the people were strong, weak, many or few, how the soil was and if the crops were good. Moses chose 12 men, one from each tribe. Among the 12 were Caleb and Joshua. The spies entered the land and explored it for 40 days. Upon returning to the Israelites, they reported that the land was flowing with milk and honey, the fruit was large and plentiful but the people were powerful and the cities large and fortified. Most of the spies said there was no way they could conquer the land, but Caleb and Joshua disagreed. They reminded the Israelites that the Lord would fight the battle, but the people would not listen. Because of this, the Lord told them they would not enter the Promised Land. Instead, everyone 20 years or older would die in the desert where they would wander for another 40 years. Only their children and children’s children would enjoy the land flowing with milk and honey. (Numbers 13-14)

Teaching Truths:

  1. We can trust God no matter what happens.

Memory Verse:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

3 Activities that Help Us Learn This Week's Teaching Truth:

1. Trust the Leader

Set up several cones going from one end of the room to the other to create a path that has lots of turns. Place a blindfold over your child’s eyes or have him just close his eyes. Have him place his hands on your waist so you can guide him down the path from one end of the room to the other. Switch roles and have him guide you. After the activity, talk about how the person blindfolded had to trust the person leading even though he didn’t know where he was going.Talk about the story of the 12 Spies and how only Joshua and Caleb trusted God using these questions.

  1. What did the spies see when they got to Caanan?
  2. Why were some of the spies scared?
  3. What happened to the Israelites since not everyone trusted God?
  4. Who trusted God?
  5. Can we trust God no matter what happens?
  6. How can we trust God?

2. I Spy Bottles

Using a clean and dry small water bottle, place the following items in the bottle;

  • Sweet tarts
  • 2-3” tall person cut out of card stock
  • Runts fruit candy

Once all the items are in the bottle, fill it with uncooked rice and screw on the lid. Have your child spy out the things the 12 spies saw in Canaan.

3. Hide the Fruit

Hide large purple pom-poms “grapes” all over the room. Have your child use a paper towel tube as a spy glass and spy out the large grapes. Play the activity again, this time letting your child hide the grapes.


Pray a short, simple prayer thanking God that we can trust Him no matter what happens.