If Jesus changed the heart of a man like Saul of Tarsus, He can change any heart. As you do these activities with your kids this week, pray for someone in your life who needs Jesus. Nothing is too hard for our amazing God! Don’t grow weary in your prayers.
HIGHLIGHTS from the Weekend…
This week your child learned about a mean man named Saul, who hated people who loved and followed Jesus. He took these people to jail and was cruel to them. One day, he was on his way to a city called Damascus to arrest Christians there, when suddenly a bright light shone around him. Jesus spoke to Saul and asked him why he was doing these awful things to Christians. Jesus then told Saul to rise up, go into the city and find a man named Ananias. When Saul stood, he was blind and stayed that way for three days. Meanwhile, Jesus had spoken to Ananias and told him to go to Saul and cure his blindness. Ananias did as the Lord said, and immediately, something like scales fell off Saul’s eyes. His sight was restored, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Saul’s name was changed to Paul. He had been forgiven. For the rest of his life, he told others about Jesus. (Acts 9:1-20)
Teaching Truth:
- Jesus has the power to change lives because He is God.
- When Jesus changes our lives, we want to tell others about Him.
Memory Verse
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
3 Activities that Help Us Learn that Jesus has the Power to Change Lives Because He is God and When Jesus Changes Our Lives, We Want to Tell Others About Him:
1. Two-Sided Heart
Cut a large heart out of paper. Have your child make the heart look dirty by scribbling on one side or gluing some dirt. Turn it over and on the “clean” side, have your child draw or glue on some eyes that are open. Talk about the dirty side being a picture of Saul’s heart before he asked God to forgive him. Then turn it over and explain that when God forgave Paul, his heart was made clean and his eyes were opened.
2. God Forgives
Discuss what a sin is with your child. Have your child give examples of sins such as not sharing, or using unkind words. On a sheet of paper & using a pencil, draw an X for each example of sin. Remind your child that Jesus has the power to change lives because He is God and talk with your child about how God can change our lives and then erase all the X marks.
3. Feel the Items
Clear an area in a room of all toys and chairs so that your child is able to walk around without hurting himself. Blindfold your child with a bandana and talk about how Paul was blinded by the bright light and couldn’t see. While blindfolded, have him feel a soft stuffed animal, smooth rock, rough bark of a tree, or squishy play-do. Talk about how Saul walked all the way to Damascus and was blind for three days.
Pray a short, simple prayer to the Lord that He has the power to change lives. Thank Him for how He has saved you and changed your life. Thank Him for His Son and the sacrifice He made.