The Gift of Discipleship
No matter their age or stage, discipling your children can feel like a daunting task. It's not a spectator sport where we sit and watch them learn and grow from the sidelines. It's an active role of coaching, encouraging and "tackling something" because a little intentionality can go a long way when your heart is focused on faithfulness, rather than fears or expectations.
Listen HERE to the second half of the “Gift of Discipleship” that was shared on the Dallas campus at our last NEST event for moms of preschool kids. Alison Treadaway shares how to simplify your discipleship efforts into four practical steps of model, train, pray and trust.
Listen HERE to the second half of the “Gift of Discipleship” that was shared for moms of elementary aged kids. Jeanie Cox encourages moms to discern methods from principles, as you continue to be a student of your child.