In your house I’m sure you’ve heard, said or thought something like, “He’s not helping me,” “Why do I have to do it and they don’t?” or “I hope they notice what I did.” In each of these cases, the true heart behind our actions is revealed. We are either comparing ourselves to others or expecting to get a reward for what we did. We may be serving everyone around us but not with the heart of a servant that Jesus calls us to have. Serving others is good, but Jesus doesn’t want us to do it at the expense of our relationship with Him.
SERVICE: Seeing a need and meeting it out of a heart for God.
MEMORY VERSE: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many.” MARK 10:45 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: Service is a Matter of the Heart
While traveling, Jesus and His disciples stopped at the house of their friends Mary and Martha (the same pair of sisters whose brother, Lazarus, was raised from the dead by Jesus). In Luke 10:38-42 we see that Mary took the opportunity to spend time with Jesus, listening at His feet. Martha, busy with all the preparations, became frustrated with her sister and asked Jesus to tell her to get up and serve. The things Martha was doing to serve were not bad, but her heart was more concerned with getting stuff done and with what Mary was NOT doing. Instead of serving her Lord joyfully, her heart was anxious and worried. Jesus lovingly reminded Martha what was truly important, her relationship with Him. When we are connect to Him, we serve joyfully out of love for Him. We serve not to make ourselves look good but to honor the Servant of all.
Family Questions:
- What differences do you see between Mary and Martha? How would you describe their hearts? Who do you relate to more? Why?
- Why did Jesus say what Mary chose to do was the better thing? What people/activities/places has God given you that fill you up with joy for Him?
- Read Matthew 6:1-4. How would you sum up with Jesus is telling us in these verses? How should we serve?
- How can you know if you are serving with the right heart? In what joyful ways can you secretly serve others this week?
Bring It Home Activities
1. Secret Servants
Designate this week a “Secret Service” week. Encourage your family to try and serve each other without being found out. Extend your serving to your friends and neighbors around you. Be on the lookout for needs that you come across in your daily life and brainstorm with your family how you can meet those needs. At the end of the week celebrate all of the ways God used you to serve others.
2. Serve your Community
Watermark’s External Focus team has put together an amazing resource of ways you and your family can serve your community this summer and throughout the year. Our ministry partners have a variety of ways where you can show your kids what it looks like to serve others throughout the Dallas area. Jump in with Second Saturday, Brother Bill’s Helping Hand, Mercy Street and many others to meet the needs of those around you.
3. Significant Summer
All throughout the summer, we are challenging parents to make the time they have with their kids significant. Take time this summer to intentionally disciple your kids in 4 areas: Grow, Play, Serve and Rest. You can download a free copy of our Significant Summer booklet filled with ideas for you and your family to not waste your summer. Track the fun things your family did on the Significant Summer chart and tell us about it on social media using #sigsummer14.
Thank God for giving us the opportunity to have a relationship with Him. Ask Him to help you be intentional in seeking time with Him so that you are serving out of His power/ability/strength and not your own. Thank Him for the people who are examples of Godly servants in your life.
Looking Ahead
Next week is Promotion Sunday. All kids will move up to their new grades and/or ministries.
Talk Back
Has your family done anything significant this summer? Be sure to share it with us, using the hashtag #sigsummer14 on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook!
Photo Credit: clogozm via Compfightcc
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