“Looking at me, it may be easy to assume that I have it all together and that everything is going great in my life. But for me, high school had some ups and downs that I’d love to share with you.
“I have been so blessed to have a family that raised me to know who Jesus is and what He has done for me on the cross. At seven years old, I accepted Jesus into my heart at summer camp. However, my summer camp high for Jesus did not last long. I continued to live every day for my own comfort and relied on my own strength. I never pursued Christ in my own life or in any relationships I had. Depending on myself and not seeking a relationship with Christ left me always wanting to be in control and feeling anxious when I did not know what was happening around me.
“Fast forward to the end of my freshman year of high school and the beginning of the COVID pandemic. My worst nightmare happened: Everything in my life was out of my control. I was completely uncomfortable and overwhelmed.
“I gave into Satan’s lies, extreme anxiety took over, and I spent my entire sophomore year online with the fear of the unknown. I went through those first few months relying on my own strength to navigate my life. I was constantly let down and felt empty. That’s when I realized I cannot do life on my own.
“Something had to change, and I began to understand that my relationship with Christ was not what it should be. I only said I was a Christian, but, in my head, and behind closed doors, I was not allowing God to direct my life and to take on my burdens. I was dead in my sin and consumed in my comfort.
“2 Corinthians 1:5 says, ‘For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.’
“I had been trying to control my life when it was already in God’s hands, and by grace through His work on the cross, there is comfort.
“In my sophomore year, I surrendered my life to Jesus, knowing and trusting that my life is His and I can only find true comfort and true peace in the Lord.
“Today, I fully believe that Jesus is my savior and my peace. God is in control no matter what we face. John 16:33 explains it best. Before His death, Jesus says to the disciples, ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’
“Jesus reminds us that in Him, there is an overwhelming peace that we cannot get from this world. We should not fear because our battle has already been won. This has been so evident in my life.
“Last October, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is cancer in the lymph nodes. My whole life was put on pause. I had tumors in my vocal cords, lungs, and heart – everything I needed to keep breathing. As you can imagine, I was terrified. But I felt a peace beyond my understanding (Philippians 4:7) because almost immediately, I knew that this was a part of God’s plan and that no matter the outcome, my battle has already been won.
“Yes, every day was a challenge, and some nights I would stay awake afraid that I might not wake up. But even though I was at my weakest moments, I have never been stronger because I know God is my strength.
“Now here I am, by the grace of God, two months cancer free! I can stand here today and say I am thankful for the struggle because the struggle showed me that I cannot do life on my own and that the Lord is my savior and my healer.
“If you can relate to my experience in any way, here’s how I would encourage you to respond: You are not alone in this world, God is with you and has taken on your burdens, in doubt, in fear, in uncertainty, in everything good or bad. Rely on the Lord and feel His overwhelming peace and comfort. God’s got you. My prayer is that you would not wait another moment to be real with God and the people around you.”
If you are in high school or know a high school student, Shoreline is a ministry where every student can be known and accepted, taught about Jesus, and challenged to grow. Find information and details about Shoreline’s summer events.